
If you would have told me at the beginning of the month that the first three weeks would be as weird as they have been, I would never have believed you. If you had told me that my theme for the year, You Got This, would become a mantra I would repeat at least daily, I would have thought that was an exaggeration. Like so many things in my life, the first three weeks could be a movie. You can’t make this stuff up. While I will give you a brief rundown of the actual events, that is not the actual focus of this post. The focus is on what I did with what happened and how having that theme, that mantra, helped calm me and keep me from getting discouraged.

College kid’s car overheated and died. Borrowed car from my Dad that we decided to buy. That car needed the motor replaced due to a recall. I took the car to him to get it replaced and stay there for a couple days. Realized it wouldn’t be done when we all thought it would be. Had increasing anxiety and decide to borrow another vehicle of theirs and go home the next day in what turned out to be snow covered roads. Unforeseen incident involving the mechanic the next day meant car would take longer than thought. Three of us sharing 2 cars but it was fine. Everything worked out. College kid goes back to college with sister’s car. The car getting the new motor is done, but our schedules don’t line up for us to get it back. No worries. Younger daughter having sinus surgery and won’t be driving anyway. Husband leaves for snowmobiling trip (planned prior to surgery and daughter and I didn’t want to put off surgery until he was home). Grandma came to help the day of surgery. Sinuses worse than the CT showed so more work done in there, but all went well. Now to manage pain and heal. Next day–weird complications involving abdominal pain and vomiting land us in the ED with a subsequent hospital admission for a couple days with two possible diagnoses. Grandma came back to be with the dog. Got home for just over 48 hours and ended up back in the ED for the same thing. This time no admission but a third diagnosis that we aren’t real sure is accurate but makes sense. Husband makes it home from trip in time to meet us in the ED. By 9pm on Saturday we are all home (minus the college kid who is worried sick about her sister).

Here’s where the mantra came in.

Anxiety increasing. Why? Everything is fine. You are fine! Go for a run. You Got This.

Driving unfamiliar car on snow covered roads. Hands cramping from gripping the steering wheel so hard. Why are you freaking out? You’ve driven in snow before. You are fine. You Got This.

Car won’t be done when expected? No big deal. Anxiety is under control. It’s all good. You Got This.

Husband gone during surgery? It’s all good. She’s not little. It’s her and I for a week watching movies and managing pain. Grandma can come up for the day. You Got This.

Ok. New pain. Going to the ED. Is this the right decision? It’s ok. We’ll get through it. You Got This.

Oh! Admitting! Ok. Well, let’s have some anxiety about the dog at home. Stay calm for your daughter. You Got This.

Another night in the hospital? Different diagnosis? Discharged. Having to go back 2 days later? Longer wait? Ready in case she’s admitted again. Third diagnosis? Starting to get stressed. It’s ok. You Got This.

Maybe repeat that a few more times because I really feel like the Lord be testing me at this point.

You Got This. You Got This. Girl–You Got This.

It really makes you start to wonder what weird force in the universe decided to write a movie that’s part drama, part comedy, and staring your family. But you know what? We’re ok. Things could be worse. So much worse. And I am thankful for all of the good things that we do have and the good things that are going to come our way. The sun has come out. This tree is beautiful in the snow. It’s all good.

I’m am Strong. I am Capable. I know that it’s not that bad.

I’ve Got This.

Peace from The Edge,


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