Happy Monday, Friends! Tonight we are starting our Goal Setting and Accountability Group on Facebook Live at 7:00pm! I hope to see some of you there! If you can’t make it tonight, we will be there every Monday at 7pm for the next 10 weeks. These groups are basically an introduction to wellness coaching and will give you a taste of what you can expect if you decide to sign up for individual or family coaching.

The National Consortium for the Credentialing of Health and Wellness Coaches (NCCHWC) has provided a description of what wellness coaches do in the following statement. “Health and Wellness Coaches partner with clients seeking self-directed, lasting changes, aligned with their values, which promote health and wellness and, thereby, enhance well-being. In the course of their work health and wellness coaches display unconditional positive regard for their clients and a belief in their capacity for change, and honoring that each client is an expert on his or her life, while ensuring that all interactions are respectful and non-judgmental.”

That is a pretty good definition, but doesn’t exactly spell out what we will be doing in wellness coaching sessions. It also doesn’t really tell you if wellness coaching is something that you could benefit from. Let’s take a look at both of those things a little closer.

Is Wellness Coaching For Me? It’s is quite possible that it is. Coaching can be for individuals or families. Do any of these things sound like you?

  • I would love for our family to eat healthier, but trying to make meals during the week makes my head hurt. The kids have activities, and no one is home at the same time so we just do whatever is easiest.
  • I am not sure if what my family eats is the right things. There is so much conflicting information out there about food and dieting and nutrition. What is the right thing to do? And will my kids even eat it?
  • My/our doctor said that we should make some changes to our nutrition and to get more exercise. I know I should do both of those things, but it seems so hard.
  • I want to get more active and eat better because I know it will make me feel better. I need some help getting organized with it.
  • I want my kids to be more active. I’m sick of the video games. Trying to get them up to do any exercise is just a battle that I don’t want to fight anymore.

These are all things that can be worked on in coaching. We can involve some or all of your family to get everyone on board and working together. Sometimes, life can get so overwhelming that there are household things that we need to get done so we can quit stressing about it. I can help with that, too! Basically, I’m here to help clarify what you want to do, strategize and plan, figure out how to make it work for you, and help you stay on track and motivated.

What is a Wellness Coaching session like? Good question. The answer is that it can look pretty much anyway you want it to look. For starters, we can do it online, on the phone, or in person. We will start by looking at what you want to change or what is not working for you. We’ll explore all kinds of things about those changes to get down to what it is that you really want. Next we will start to create some long-term and short-term goals with checkpoints to measure progress. We will develop a pretty specific plan for working on those goals and a way to track your progress. The weekly check-in’s will involve looking at how it went working on those goals, barriers you ran into, what went well, and we will tweak the goals or the plan as needed, and send you off for another week.

Want to know more? Have questions? Send me an email at julia@juliaontheedge.com or DM me on Facebook or Instagram.

Peace from The Edge,


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