Tag: Wellness coaching

Big Idea Reveal!

Remember how I put out there a couple months ago that I had this Big Idea and I was SO excited but couldn’t tell anyone about it yet? Here it is, kids! After 19 years, I am leaving Blank Children’s Hospital on a full-time basis. I am going to be running summer camps for kids and doing wellness coaching, leading…

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Coaching and Wellness Services

Hey there Everyone! I am still working on getting a page set up to house all of the information about coaching services, but I wanted to get this info out as soon as possible. Please let me know if you have any questions. Also, be sure to join us on Monday nights for our Facebook Live Coaching Group! Check our…

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Wellness Coaching Services

Happy Monday, Friends! Tonight we are starting our Goal Setting and Accountability Group on Facebook Live at 7:00pm! I hope to see some of you there! If you can’t make it tonight, we will be there every Monday at 7pm for the next 10 weeks. These groups are basically an introduction to wellness coaching and will give you a taste…

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Why I Should Be Your Wellness Coach

This was not the post I was supposed to write this week.  Oops!  Life got in the way of my carefully crafted plans the past couple weeks, as life does, and I find myself behind on my promise to myself to post on my blog each week.  So here I am, over a week over-due with now TWO posts I…

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