Tag: Wellness coaching


Ready(ish) for 2024!

It’s January!  It’s 2024!  And I am not as motivated as I would like to be.  As I said when I posted the January Family Activity Calendar, I wasn’t fully ready to start the new year on January 1st.  I needed a few days to reflect on the past month and past year as well as look ahead to what…

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May Family Activity Calendar

Check out our new monthly calendar! We’ve got some fun activities and yummy snacks this month. There is also a great scavenger hunt sheet from the Iowa Department of Natural Resources that you can use for your Sunday Scavenger Hunts!

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girl doing handstand in snow

February Family Activity Calendar

While I’m not going to make you do handstands in the snow (unless you really want to), I do want to give you a few ideas for outdoor and indoor workouts as well as some yummy recipes and plenty of other fun things to do. Enjoy! Be sure to post pictures of your activities and tag Julia on the Edge…

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Large tree on grassy hill

New Inspiration for 2023

The past year was one of change, growth, and adjustment.  I went from going to an office at a hospital 4 days a week to working from home 7 days a week.  During that time at home, I also got laundry done, dishes done, meals made, strength training, running, walks with my dog, going to see my daughter at college…

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2022 in Review

I don’t know about you, but these years keep going by faster and faster!  How is it 2023 already?? As I have been preparing for this new year with new goals, I looked back at my yearly and monthly themes from 2022.  I chose each monthly theme based on where I was mentally, emotionally, and physically and focused on what…

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Jullia in black tank with hair in braids and wearing an Iowa Hawkeyes cap

Six Months On My Own

On May 26, 2022, I walked out of the hospital that I worked at as a full-time employee for 19 years for the last time.  While I couldn’t believe I was actually doing it, I knew that it was the right thing for me to do.  Six months have come and gone since that day.  A lot of things have…

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The Great Nutrition Hunt

Last week, I talked about some nutrition basics in my post about Changing Family Habits. Today I would like to dive a little deeper into the first of Julia’s Basic Thoughts on Nutrition.  When you are choosing foods for yourself and your family, I think that we all know that basic, unprocessed foods are best. However, having easy-to-grab and easy-to-eat…

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Lunches prepared by kids at Julia on the Edge camp

Changing Family Habits-Food and Meals

Over the next few weeks, I am going to be sharing how I began changing some of our family habits, particularly around food, many years ago when the kids were little.  As the kids have gotten older and as I have learned more about nutrition, some of my thoughts and practices have changed a bit.  The biggest thing that I…

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