Tag: theme


Stay Strong

This post was supposed to go up in March to go along with my March theme of Stay Strong. However, I was feeling uninspired and unmotivated. Those feelings permeated pretty much all aspects of my life.  I wasn’t running.  I wasn’t doing strength. I wasn’t eating very well. I wasn’t getting things done that needed done for my business.  During…

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Patience and Persistence and Good Things

January is coming to a close.  This has been a challenging month for me in a couple of ways one of which was not being able to run.  It has been almost two months since I ran due to pain in my foot and heel from what I think is plantar fasciitis.  Not running leaves me feeling physically and mentally…

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Ready(ish) for 2024!

It’s January!  It’s 2024!  And I am not as motivated as I would like to be.  As I said when I posted the January Family Activity Calendar, I wasn’t fully ready to start the new year on January 1st.  I needed a few days to reflect on the past month and past year as well as look ahead to what…

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What Is Happening??

If you would have told me at the beginning of the month that the first three weeks would be as weird as they have been, I would never have believed you. If you had told me that my theme for the year, You Got This, would become a mantra I would repeat at least daily, I would have thought that…

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Large tree on grassy hill

New Inspiration for 2023

The past year was one of change, growth, and adjustment.  I went from going to an office at a hospital 4 days a week to working from home 7 days a week.  During that time at home, I also got laundry done, dishes done, meals made, strength training, running, walks with my dog, going to see my daughter at college…

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2022 in Review

I don’t know about you, but these years keep going by faster and faster!  How is it 2023 already?? As I have been preparing for this new year with new goals, I looked back at my yearly and monthly themes from 2022.  I chose each monthly theme based on where I was mentally, emotionally, and physically and focused on what…

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New Month, New Theme

At the beginning of each month, you will find me at my kitchen breakfast bar with my planner and goals sheets reviewing how things went the last month and revising my goals for the next month.  I look back at my quarterly goals to see if I am on track and check in on my yearly goals as well.  Sometimes…

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Fear, Regrets, and Courage

Last week was a pretty emotionally heavy week for my posts.  This week let’s make things a little lighter and more hopeful!  I started out the year posting about my theme for the year and my subtheme for the month of January.  I would like to continue that by talking about my subthemes for February and March.  I chose to…

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Is Fear Holding You Back?

January is drawing to a close, and I realized that I hadn’t shared my monthly theme with you!  As I alluded to in a previous post, for the past few years I have selected a them for the year, a word of the year, and a theme for each month.  I don’t choose any of these in advance.  I choose…

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New Year’s Theme 2022: Make It Happen

Each year for the past couple of years, I have picked a theme for the year.  This theme is something that I feel reflects where I have been over the previous year and where I want to go in the coming year.  It is usually an area that I think I need to work on and that can help me…

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