Tag: resilient

I Don’t Want to Cry Anymore

October 29, 2013 was the first day that I remember really crying at work. Like…couldn’t stop, heaving, sobbing, ugly crying.  I had to leave and go home and sometimes I couldn’t even see through my tears to drive.  I sat at my neighbor, Julie’s, house sobbing until school pickup.  I couldn’t even answer my phone.  She had to do it.…

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Sunset over field in Iowa

I Didn’t Know It Wasn’t The Right Time

Today I went back through my posts and read one that I wrote a little over a year ago. It was about my theme for 2021 and a reflection back on the goals I didn’t accomplish in 2020. In the post, I reflect back to the world shutting down when COVID first hit and the year that just seemed to…

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