Tag: priorities

Children walking on trail in the woods

Leaving Comfort and Security: Why I Quit My Job

I resigned from my job on February 28, 2022.  I gave three months notice and my last full day there was May 26, 2022.  It was hard to leave.  Really hard.  I cried several times—the day I gave my supervisor my letter of resignation, many times thinking about what I was leaving, the last week, and especially the last day. …

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Sunset through clouds over corn field

The Importance of Having a Plan

If you have ever tried to change a habit or accomplish a task, you probably know that having a plan for how to do it yields better results that just winging it. Even if that plan is generally in your head, you have a better chance of making the progress that you want by thinking through how you are going…

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Why I Run

As many of you know, I am a runner.  I don’t run every day, but I try to get out as much as I can.  I don’t always go far, but I try to make every run count in some way. I didn’t always run, not in high school or college, but I can’t imagine not doing it now.  It…

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Coaching and Wellness Services

Hey there Everyone! I am still working on getting a page set up to house all of the information about coaching services, but I wanted to get this info out as soon as possible. Please let me know if you have any questions. Also, be sure to join us on Monday nights for our Facebook Live Coaching Group! Check our…

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Sunset over field in Iowa

I Didn’t Know It Wasn’t The Right Time

Today I went back through my posts and read one that I wrote a little over a year ago. It was about my theme for 2021 and a reflection back on the goals I didn’t accomplish in 2020. In the post, I reflect back to the world shutting down when COVID first hit and the year that just seemed to…

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Is Fear Holding You Back?

January is drawing to a close, and I realized that I hadn’t shared my monthly theme with you!  As I alluded to in a previous post, for the past few years I have selected a them for the year, a word of the year, and a theme for each month.  I don’t choose any of these in advance.  I choose…

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