Tag: planning


Redefining Adventure

Welcome to a New Year! As with every new year, 2025 is full of possibilities and opportunities.  I hope that you have all had a chance to reflect on the year that has passed. Regardless of how many crazy or not-so-good things that happened, we can all find some positive moments, growth moments, and even some adventure moments. As we…

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Patience and Persistence and Good Things

January is coming to a close.  This has been a challenging month for me in a couple of ways one of which was not being able to run.  It has been almost two months since I ran due to pain in my foot and heel from what I think is plantar fasciitis.  Not running leaves me feeling physically and mentally…

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Ready(ish) for 2024!

It’s January!  It’s 2024!  And I am not as motivated as I would like to be.  As I said when I posted the January Family Activity Calendar, I wasn’t fully ready to start the new year on January 1st.  I needed a few days to reflect on the past month and past year as well as look ahead to what…

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Back to School 2023!

Oh my gosh!  It has been such a long time since I have done an actual blog post!  Sometimes the seasons of our lives get a little crazy and we have to adjust which is what has happened for me for several months.  The fact is that I do like writing and would like to get back to doing it…

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Large tree on grassy hill

New Inspiration for 2023

The past year was one of change, growth, and adjustment.  I went from going to an office at a hospital 4 days a week to working from home 7 days a week.  During that time at home, I also got laundry done, dishes done, meals made, strength training, running, walks with my dog, going to see my daughter at college…

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2022 in Review

I don’t know about you, but these years keep going by faster and faster!  How is it 2023 already?? As I have been preparing for this new year with new goals, I looked back at my yearly and monthly themes from 2022.  I chose each monthly theme based on where I was mentally, emotionally, and physically and focused on what…

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Lunches prepared by kids at Julia on the Edge camp

Changing Family Habits-Food and Meals

Over the next few weeks, I am going to be sharing how I began changing some of our family habits, particularly around food, many years ago when the kids were little.  As the kids have gotten older and as I have learned more about nutrition, some of my thoughts and practices have changed a bit.  The biggest thing that I…

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