Tag: motivation

Large tree on grassy hill

New Inspiration for 2023

The past year was one of change, growth, and adjustment.  I went from going to an office at a hospital 4 days a week to working from home 7 days a week.  During that time at home, I also got laundry done, dishes done, meals made, strength training, running, walks with my dog, going to see my daughter at college…

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2022 in Review

I don’t know about you, but these years keep going by faster and faster!  How is it 2023 already?? As I have been preparing for this new year with new goals, I looked back at my yearly and monthly themes from 2022.  I chose each monthly theme based on where I was mentally, emotionally, and physically and focused on what…

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January 2023 Family Activity Calendar

Welcome to the New Year! I am so happy you have joined me in getting active and making healthy food choices. Our Family Activity Calendar features all kinds of ideas to get your family moving indoors and out. Watch the Julia on the Edge social media for videos and recipes!

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Family Fitness Group Details!

We are gearing up for our first ever Family Fitness Group!  This group is designed to get parents and kids moving together and off the screens.  If your family is like a lot of those in the colder, snowier parts of the country, you have probably seen the shift from kids being outside and a little more active to being…

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Jullia in black tank with hair in braids and wearing an Iowa Hawkeyes cap

Six Months On My Own

On May 26, 2022, I walked out of the hospital that I worked at as a full-time employee for 19 years for the last time.  While I couldn’t believe I was actually doing it, I knew that it was the right thing for me to do.  Six months have come and gone since that day.  A lot of things have…

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November Family Activity Calendar

I am finally getting something out there that I have been wanting to do for a while–a family activity calendar that gives you a little bit of physical activity, some meal ideas, family activities, and hopefully some fun. With the colder weather that arrived in Iowa in literally about 4 hours last Thursday, the shock to the system of 70…

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The Great Nutrition Hunt

Last week, I talked about some nutrition basics in my post about Changing Family Habits. Today I would like to dive a little deeper into the first of Julia’s Basic Thoughts on Nutrition.  When you are choosing foods for yourself and your family, I think that we all know that basic, unprocessed foods are best. However, having easy-to-grab and easy-to-eat…

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Lunches prepared by kids at Julia on the Edge camp

Changing Family Habits-Food and Meals

Over the next few weeks, I am going to be sharing how I began changing some of our family habits, particularly around food, many years ago when the kids were little.  As the kids have gotten older and as I have learned more about nutrition, some of my thoughts and practices have changed a bit.  The biggest thing that I…

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All The Meal Planning

For a few years now, I have been looking into different meal planning methods, products, tips and tricks.  I have actually been planning our family meals for many years, so the concept is not new to me.  I used to start with the grocery list as a guide to what to plan.  I would check ads and coupons, what we…

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Mindset Doesn’t Happen Overnight

I’ve read many blog posts and articles about mindset for running, for pursuing goals, for gratitude, for everyday life.  Most are really good and provide some good information about how to push through and stay on the path toward your goals.  For some people, however, getting into a positive, collaborative, growth, or conquering mindset is not that easy.  It’s great…

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