
On May 26, 2022, I walked out of the hospital that I worked at as a full-time employee for 19 years for the last time.  While I couldn’t believe I was actually doing it, I knew that it was the right thing for me to do.  Six months have come and gone since that day.  A lot of things have changed.  My daily routine is completely different.  Let’s take a look at how things are going.

My New Business

This is going slow.  I have a lot of interest in what I do.  I keep writing blog posts, making stories when I’m running, talking about various wellness things, and just generally encouraging, motivating, and providing ideas to help families make changes.  I recently signed on to be a Beachbody coach because I really like the platform and variety of workouts.  I think it will be a good tool to help families get active.  My original plan was to get this business up and going and replacing my income before leaving my job.  I finally realized that I was never going to have the time to work on it with everything continuing the way it was. It became clear that if I wanted to do this, I was only going to have time if I left my job. 

My Four Other Part-Time Jobs

I am still with Blank Children’s Hospital as the wellness coach for the Healthy Kids Program in the Endocrinology Department.  I go into the clinic once a month and do coaching calls with patients once a week.  I also help out in my original department, The Center for Advocacy and Outreach, with our Child Assault Prevention program as needed.

Prior to leaving Blank full-time, I started working with the University of Iowa as a Communications Specialist for a research study on teen driving that they work on with Nationwide Children’s Hospital in Ohio.  When parents and teens join the study and are randomized into the intervention group, I teach the parents a communication technique which is what I use in my coaching.  This is a continuation of the teen driving studies I worked on with the University of Iowa when I was at Blank several years ago.

Just for fun, I help out the owner of a small business, Let’s Slumber It, setting up tent sleepovers and luxe picnics for kids.  This consists of going to people’s homes, hauling in a bunch of stuff, and helping set up these cute tents, sleeping pads, and all sorts of themed accessories for a child’s sleepover.  While this is fun and creative, it is also fairly physical, so I always feel like I’m getting a mini workout in. 

And because I wanted something with the potential to be steadier if needed but also be flexible, I became a substitute associate with Teachers On Call, an agency that supports substitutes for school districts including Ankeny where I live.  I just started this in November and was a little stressed out about it.  (But in fairness, I was more than a little stressed out most of the month.)

My Health—Physical and Mental

When I left my job full-time, I would like to say that a weight was lifted off of me.  That wasn’t exactly the case like I thought it would be.  I think when you are wound as tightly as I am and for so long, unwinding takes a while! As the summer went on, I felt myself start to relax.  I was getting in strength workouts four days a week.  I was running five days a week.  I spent time running trails in the woods and on the prairie.  I began walking my dog. I worked outside when I could.  By the time school started, I was in a better place.  I felt more in control of my life.  I felt less stress because I was running regularly. I became physically stronger and wasn’t hurting as much when I ran.  My endurance increased from what it has been the past couple of years.  I am not having stress headaches every day which caused my vision to be blurry and me to feel tired most of the time.  I feel more into control of my life. As a bonus, I have gotten more toned muscles, and my daughter in college came home and thought I had lost weight.  I don’t own a scale so I’m not sure, but I had thought the same thing.  Losing weight was not my mission but feeling toned and stronger was. 

Flexibility in My Work

This is where real change occurred and what has led to many of the benefits I have gained.  I have been able to do things that I previously couldn’t.  I helped bale hay twice this summer during the week. One of the times I had only a few days’ notice (and even at that, it depends on the weather), and I was able to go help.  I have helped with horse chores several times so the owners could go out of town.  Just last week I was able to drop everything in the middle of the day and go to my daughter in college who was very sick with influenza.  I can run on trails during the day and do my business work in the evening if I want to. I worked on my boat.  I worked in a rental house in Clear Lake.  I worked at a picnic table overlooking Saylorville Lake.  I worked at a coffee shop.  I worked in my daughter’s room at college with her feverish head in my lap (because sometimes big kids need their moms, too). I also worked taking kids into the outdoors and having adventures with them.  That was amazing!

What Hasn’t Happened

I haven’t replaced my income.  I somehow thought my house would be deep cleaned and in order by now.  It’s not.  Todd doesn’t walk nice on a leash without pulling.  Kind of thought I would work with him more on that.  I haven’t.

I am very excited for what the next six months will bring.  I have a lot of ideas and plans.

Thank you so much to those of you who read these posts, who follow along on social media, and who like and share what I do.  I hope to be able to continue to provide value, motivation, and inspiration to you for many years to come.

Peace from The Edge,


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