
I am finally getting something out there that I have been wanting to do for a while–a family activity calendar that gives you a little bit of physical activity, some meal ideas, family activities, and hopefully some fun. With the colder weather that arrived in Iowa in literally about 4 hours last Thursday, the shock to the system of 70 degrees at 8am and 40 degrees by noon made many of us what to huddle up indoors and stay warm! I wanted to give you a mix of things you can do inside as well as things you can do outside. Even when it’s cold, bundle up and get outside for even 5 minutes to get some fresh air and (hopefully) sunshine. The more time you spend outside, the more you will acclimate to the temperature and it will be easier to spend more time doing fun things outdoors.

How These Calendars Work: Some days will have consistent themes throughout the month. I will provide an explanation of what everything is in the blog post with the calendar as well as on a Facebook live at the beginning of each month. My plan is to also post videos of some of the exercises and meals so you can see them in action. This whole thing is kind of a work in progress so bear with me as I figure out some technology things that I am not very familiar with!

Sunday Family Activity:  These days will have suggestions for things your family can do together to explore new places and get in some physical activity. 

Monday Gratitude: I realize that there is a lot of talk about gratitude during the month of November.  I am putting a little spin on it by making it very quick. For the next couple of weeks, I encourage you and your family to take just a minute or two at the beginning of the day on Mondays to name something that you are thankful for right in that minute.  You can write it down quickly on a mirror with window markers, name it as you are getting dressed, post about it on social media, or just make a mental note of thankfulness.  This helps put you in a more receptive and positive mood as you start your busy week.

Tuesday Physical Activity: One exercise that families can do together.  I encourage you to start with just 5 reps and build to 10 by adding a couple more each day.  If you can start with 10, do 2-2 sets of 10 reps.  Try to fit this is as many days a week as you can.

Wednesday Quick Meals: These may involve some meal prepping on the weekends.  The idea is to give you another option for throwing something together in a short amount of time so you don’t have to stress about it.

Thursday Physical Activity:  Similar to Tuesdays, but not as specific.  This month, find a trail and take a family hike on National Hiking Day.  On Thanksgiving, find a time to do a Turkey Trot!  Either an “official” race or make your own by fitting in a walk before or after dinner.

Friday Fun Foods:  It’s the end of the week and if you are like me, cooking is not high on your list of things you want to do.  Instead of ordering a pizza (guilty here!), set up your own pizza bar with a variety of toppings.  You can use homemade crust or pre-made ones.  On the day after Thanksgiving, many of us are shopping, decorating for December holidays, or watching football. (Go Hawks!) Pull out simple meats, cheeses, nuts, and fruits and let the kids create their own charcuterie board.  Super fun and easy!

Saturday Challenge:  These activities push you to try a little harder each time. Set up an obstacle course in the yard using hula hoops, small logs, and other things you can jump over, under, around, and through.  You can try this using a playset at home or at a park.  See how fast you can go through it and try to improve your time with each turn.  The jump rope challenge can be anyway you make it.  Try different styles of jumping.  See how many jumps you can do in 30 seconds or a minute.  Try jumping for 1 minute and increase your time.    

I would love to see you and your kiddos engaged in some of these activities! Share on social media and tag Julia on the Edge!

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