
We are gearing up for our first ever Family Fitness Group!  This group is designed to get parents and kids moving together and off the screens.  If your family is like a lot of those in the colder, snowier parts of the country, you have probably seen the shift from kids being outside and a little more active to being inside and more sedentary.  That’s where this group comes in! 

Sometimes as parents, we have gotten into a routine of work, household chores, our own hobbies, and/or running kids around to their activities.  Making time to exercise, let alone having the energy to do it, seems impossible.  But maybe–for one reason or another–we have been thinking about making some changes to our family’s nutrition and activity level, but aren’t sure where to start.  Changing health habits can be overwhelming!  Sometimes all we see are the barriers.

  • The kids don’t like vegetables.
  • I don’t like to cook.
  • We’re so busy.  I don’t want to add going to a gym into our schedule.
  • I don’t have exercise equipment.
  • Getting my child off their device is always a fight.
  • I just don’t know where to start!

These are all very common and very real reasons that parents tend to keep things the same even when they know everyone would benefit from making some changes. But what do you do about it?

Let’s make it easy!

We are going to start by bring the workout into your home. You will have access to an online platform with the program that we are going to use.  You can do it at any time of the day and any day of the week.  Next, we will have a weekly check-in online (probably on Teams) where we will have a “weekly topic.”  I will share a little bit of info about something that can help you work through some of the things that have been holding you back.  This will be your opportunity to talk to other parents about what works for them and to share ideas.  We would love to have the kids on as well!  We can do a little mini-workout if they want to, and they can share their healthy wins for the week!  There will also be a private Facebook group where we can post questions and share ideas in between the weekly check-ins.  I encourage you to post your workouts as well as meals and snacks to help stay accountable for what you are doing.  We are all looking to support each other along this journey!

This group will start January 2 and run for 10 weeks.  This will take us up to Spring Break.  Prior to the group starting, sometime at the end of December, we will have an online get-together to help you figure out when you are going to do the workouts, work through other barriers, set some goals for your family, and build motivation to get started.  You will always have access to me for questions!

Finally, this group is to get EVERYONE in the family moving! Research has shown that kids are more likely to adopt healthy habits when they see their parents participating in similar habits such as purposeful exercise, eating more fruits and veggies, passing on sugary items, and being active in general.  The workouts are partner-based which means that they won’t be as fun or work as well if just you or your child are doing them. 

Please reach out to me with questions or to learn how to get signed up!

I am so excited to have you all join me next month!

Peace from The Edge,


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