
You’ve got this!

Keep going!

I know you can do it!

Today is the National Day of Encouragement!  While there are all types of encouragement for all different things, today we are going to focus on encouragement to make changes with regard to getting active and making changes to your health habits. 

When you think about making changes in your eating or physical activity, what are the first thoughts that come to your mind? 

It’s hard. I don’t have time.  I don’t know where to start.  I’ve tried before and it didn’t work. 

These are all things that are actually very normal to think about.  If change were easy, we would all be doing all the “right” things all the time.  Sometimes we need someone to tell us that they believe in us, that we have everything we need inside us to start, or that they will be there to help us.  Encouragement almost always comes from others.  When those things are said to us, the hope is that we start to internalize what the other person is saying and turn it into motivation. 

Providing encouragement and helping you turn that into motivation is exactly what a wellness coach does.  A coach takes a look at everything you bring to the table—what you want to change, the outcomes you desire, the challenges in front of you–and turning it into goals and a plan.  With that, coaches create hope which is really the point of encouragement—giving you hope that you can do whatever it is you are wanting to do.  Along the way, there will be roadblocks that pop up.  There could be health issues like getting COVID or having an injury.  Sometimes you are discouraged because you aren’t seeing the results you want fast enough.  A coach can help you work around those things and continue to show you the bigger picture. Providing encouragement isn’t a one-and-done type of thing.

Just like in all parts of life, something that is encouraging to one person might not be to another.  There are certain things that we just don’t want to hear.  For a runner, DO NOT tell them “You’re almost there!” unless the finish line is in sight. Not around the corner.  Not another mile.  Literally, we want to see it and know that we only need to hang on for maybe a minute or so and we will be done.  However, when people say that to me, as annoyed as I may get, I also try to remember that they aren’t doing it to be mean or because they aren’t being thoughtful.  They really think they are being helpful and encouraging, and that is the spirit with which to take their words.  It is the sentiment behind what they are saying more than the words they say. 

As you finish reading this and go about your week, look for places where you can provide encouragement to someone.  Tell your child that you know the homework is hard, but you know they can figure it out.  When your spouse is putting in extra time at work, letting them know that it won’t always be this way and there is an end in sight. Encouragement is as simple as letting someone know that you believe that they can do the thing they want to do. 

Peace from The Edge,


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