Life on the Edge

Meal Planning Group Coming Soon!

Join me on Sundays at 7pm to learn new recipes for dinners and snacks, prep our own meals for the week, and learn more about meal planning. Cost is $40 for 5 weeks and you will walk away with 5 dinner recipes and 5 snack recipes and hopefully a habit of meal prep to lessen the stress during your week.…

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Fear, Regrets, and Courage

Last week was a pretty emotionally heavy week for my posts.  This week let’s make things a little lighter and more hopeful!  I started out the year posting about my theme for the year and my subtheme for the month of January.  I would like to continue that by talking about my subthemes for February and March.  I chose to…

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Moving Through and Finding Your Happy

Earlier this week I wrote about the grief I have experienced with the loss of four young people in my and my family’s lives.  As you move through something like this, and more importantly, as you support your children through something like this, you have to find something to hang onto.  For many people that is creating something in memory…

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I Don’t Want to Cry Anymore

October 29, 2013 was the first day that I remember really crying at work. Like…couldn’t stop, heaving, sobbing, ugly crying.  I had to leave and go home and sometimes I couldn’t even see through my tears to drive.  I sat at my neighbor, Julie’s, house sobbing until school pickup.  I couldn’t even answer my phone.  She had to do it.…

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Big Idea Reveal!

Remember how I put out there a couple months ago that I had this Big Idea and I was SO excited but couldn’t tell anyone about it yet? Here it is, kids! After 19 years, I am leaving Blank Children’s Hospital on a full-time basis. I am going to be running summer camps for kids and doing wellness coaching, leading…

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Alberta Beef Dip, Tongan Athletes, and My Winter Olympics Obsession

Tomorrow is a day that I look forward to for four years—the start of the Winter Olympics and the Opening Ceremonies!  I really love the Olympics—both Summer and Winter—but the Winter have a special attraction as I have been able to go to them twice.  My family went in 1988 to Calgary in our motorhome which was quite the trip…

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Sunset over field in Iowa

I Didn’t Know It Wasn’t The Right Time

Today I went back through my posts and read one that I wrote a little over a year ago. It was about my theme for 2021 and a reflection back on the goals I didn’t accomplish in 2020. In the post, I reflect back to the world shutting down when COVID first hit and the year that just seemed to…

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New Ideas, Excitement, Possibilities!

You Guys!!  I am so excited!  Have you ever come up with an idea that had you so excited you couldn’t sleep and could hardly do anything else because all you wanted to do was plan and work on and create the idea?  That was me this week.  I have had this restlessness in me for a long time—like a…

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Is Fear Holding You Back?

January is drawing to a close, and I realized that I hadn’t shared my monthly theme with you!  As I alluded to in a previous post, for the past few years I have selected a them for the year, a word of the year, and a theme for each month.  I don’t choose any of these in advance.  I choose…

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