Life on the Edge


New Month, New Theme

At the beginning of each month, you will find me at my kitchen breakfast bar with my planner and goals sheets reviewing how things went the last month and revising my goals for the next month.  I look back at my quarterly goals to see if I am on track and check in on my yearly goals as well.  Sometimes…

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Desert colored sunset on mountains with lone hiker

Are You On The Edge?

You are all reading this post so you all know that the name of my blog and business is Julia on the Edge. Why did I chose that name?  What does it mean?  How could this help you? I think that there are some of us out there who are not comfortable with where they are in life.  There is…

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Wheat in blurred background with quote on top of photo

Fighting Procrastination

A couple of years ago when I first got the idea to start a blog, I had stumbled across Ruth Soukup’s book “Do It Scared.” The book is about finding out what is holding you back from doing the things you want to do and pursuing your dreams.  Usually what is holding us back is fear.  Fear comes in many…

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Julia running on paved trail with peace sign

Self-Employed: Three Months In

I left my full-time job 95 days ago in pursuit of being my own employer, having a more flexible schedule, and being able to do more for people than I was doing at the time. I left to be more available to my kids, husband, and family. I left to give myself peace of mind and to try to quiet…

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School bus with trees, rocks, and sun

The Back to School Race

I don’t know about you, but from the second week of August on, I feel like I am in some kind of a race until school starts. There are doctor’s appointments, haircuts, school supply shopping, school clothes shopping, sports and music practices and camps, finding out school schedules, and if you have a child going to college for the first…

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Girls on boat driving into sunset on Clear Lake, IA

Extending Summer When School Starts

Whether we like it or not, it’s Back to School time.  I’m sure your social media feed is full of posts about getting the kids ready, ads for school supplies, and sad laments about summer ending.  This post is going to be slightly different.  Both by looking on the calendar and at the weather outside, we know that summer is…

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Children walking on trail in the woods

Leaving Comfort and Security: Why I Quit My Job

I resigned from my job on February 28, 2022.  I gave three months notice and my last full day there was May 26, 2022.  It was hard to leave.  Really hard.  I cried several times—the day I gave my supervisor my letter of resignation, many times thinking about what I was leaving, the last week, and especially the last day. …

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Planning Ahead: 22-23 School Year Already??

For many of us, we have seven weeks until school starts again. Some of you may be thinking, “Only seven weeks?! Summer is almost over! There’s so much I want to do!” Others may be thinking, “Seven weeks?! These kids are already bored and making me crazy!” Either way, the school year is coming and with it will come packing…

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Meal Planning Group Coming Soon!

Join me on Sundays at 7pm to learn new recipes for dinners and snacks, prep our own meals for the week, and learn more about meal planning. Cost is $40 for 5 weeks and you will walk away with 5 dinner recipes and 5 snack recipes and hopefully a habit of meal prep to lessen the stress during your week.…

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Fear, Regrets, and Courage

Last week was a pretty emotionally heavy week for my posts.  This week let’s make things a little lighter and more hopeful!  I started out the year posting about my theme for the year and my subtheme for the month of January.  I would like to continue that by talking about my subthemes for February and March.  I chose to…

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