
Oh my gosh!  It has been such a long time since I have done an actual blog post!  Sometimes the seasons of our lives get a little crazy and we have to adjust which is what has happened for me for several months.  The fact is that I do like writing and would like to get back to doing it regularly.  For those of you who follow me on social media, you have been able to see all of the fun we had with camps this summer, my kids’ dance and horse activities, and now our back to school.  I thought for this first post back, I would just give a little description of where things are at with me and how I am, once again, getting back on track. 

Summer meant a whole new routine for me.  Instead of being able to run whenever I wanted to, I now had campers coming and more of a timeline to attend to.  This was fine because most of the time, I was still able to get those runs in.  I am on my feet most of the time with the kids and hiking a couple of miles every day.  That said, it was an adjustment to having to being back on a “work schedule” and packing a lunch since I haven’t had to do that in a while.  In addition to the new routine of camp, my college daughter was home and is a workaholic, so she was almost always either at the gym or lifeguarding.  My high schooler was a nanny every day and still had plenty of activities to do.  We hardly had a meal with all of us there all summer!

I’m sure summer meant a different routine for most of you, too.  Kids home from school.  Swimming lessons and summer camps.  Either a break from activities or new activities.  Whatever your summer looked like, whether you had a good routine, or it was a free-for-all, the start of school brings a change. Sometimes we miss the kids being home.  Sometimes we are thankful for the familiar routine again where kids know they have to be in bed at a certain time.  Whatever the change is, I hope that you are navigating it successfully.

For me, the start of the school year has always felt more like the start of a new year than the actual New Year.  When I was growing up, we took a fishing vacation to Canada every August.  On the way home from that trip, I would sit in the motorhome with a notebook and start making lists of supplies I needed, clothes I needed, things I needed to do, and preparing to go back to school.  (Big surprise that I am a huge list maker and planner now!)  I used to do this when my kids were little, and we would go on that same fishing vacation in Canada.  However, for several years now we have not been able to make that trip due to the kids’ activities and I honestly have felt a little unsettled.  That trip was a time to reset my brain, relax, and come back ready to go.  So while we once again were not able to get up to Canada this year, I have done a lot of preparing for this school year.  It is my college kid’s senior year.  She’s applying to graduate schools and making sure she has all of her classes and clinical hours in order.  It is my high school kid’s senior year.  She’s applying to colleges and busy with activities and excited about all of the things that senior year brings.  For me, it is time to think about the other side of my business and refocus my attention from making sure my campers don’t get into poison ivy to developing family activity calendars and coaching my clients. 

I am excited for this new school year.  I am looking forward to getting back to writing, more coaching, and helping families stay healthy.  I am finding something to appreciate and be grateful for every day.  I hope that you can, too.

Peace from the Edge,


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