
You are all reading this post so you all know that the name of my blog and business is Julia on the Edge. Why did I chose that name?  What does it mean?  How could this help you?

I think that there are some of us out there who are not comfortable with where they are in life.  There is something that they want to change.  Maybe they don’t know what it is that needs to change.  Maybe they know exactly what it is, but aren’t sure how to make it happen.  Maybe they know and are scared to change.   For those reasons and likely many more, we are walking on The Edge.  We are holding onto the safe side of the mountain not wanting to fall off.  We might be able to see over the edge and see that it is beautiful.  Maybe it is a hard path down, but the view on the other side is exactly what we want.  It could be that we definitely want what is over The Edge, but we aren’t quite sure how to navigate once we take that step off the ledge. We sit teetering on The Edge because of so many reasons waiting for life to gently walk us over without taking too much effort or time or risk. 

Kids—I’m here to tell you that no change, no leap, no step away from the safe side of the mountain is going to be easy and nothing is going to help you get to where you want to be unless you take that first step yourself.  It’s supposed to be challenging!  If stepping away from The Edge was easy, we would all be making changes and taking risks! We would all be mountain climbers and ocean swimmers and cave divers!  But if everyone were doing it, would it still be fun and exciting? Probably not. 

What is it going to take to get you to make the change or take the risk that you’ve been thinking about?  When I took the risk of leaving my job and creating a new business for myself, it was something I had been wanting to do for years.  I was scared.  What if I don’t do well?  What if I drown?  What if I put us into financial ruin? Finally I convinced myself that nothing was going to change or get better if I didn’t take a big risk.  I already had the website set up and the blog going.  I had ideas and plans already worked out in my head.  I just needed to jump.  When I finally did, I realized that what was over The Edge wasn’t exactly what I thought it would be.  The trail had some rocks and big climbs in it that I wasn’t expecting.  But it also had some beautiful views and peaceful moments which made the rocks and climbs worth it.  (Insert Miley Cyrus’ “The Climb” as background music to you reading this.)

What Edge are you standing on? Are you going to regret the choice you didn’t make?  What if it you take the chance and it actually turns out ok?  Next thing you know you are running the trails and making progress and everything is just the way it was supposed to be. 

Don’t let yourself sit on The Edge forever. The Universe wants to you to jump off and do great things.

Peace from The Edge,


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