
Julia on the Edge was born in 2019 when I came to a point in my life when I knew I couldn’t keep doing the same things with my job, kids, running, and life in general because I was not happy and feeling very overwhelmed. With two teenage girls involved in activities, a house that needed cleaned, meals that needed cooking, dogs that needed baths and walks, and a job that was demanding a lot of my attention, I felt like all I did was survive. Something had to change. I was not going to go another summer like the past two had been let alone two more years of things getting more and more out-of-control. In short, I was on the edge.

I needed an outlet for what I was thinking and feeling and a way to start making sense out of what was happening in my life. After thinking about what I wanted my family’s life to be, I bought a book about overcoming those fears that are holding you back, enrolled in an online time management course, and signed up for a 5-day quick-start blog course. Just making those choices helped me feel calmer and start to feel more in control of the chaos.

Julia on the Edge is where I am sharing the craziness that is my life. I hope that you will enjoy following along and maybe be inspired to make some changes in your life.

Meet Julia

I am Julia Richards Krapfl. Mom to two daughters ages 21 and 18, step-mom to a 29-year-old daughter with intellectual disabilities, and wife to Craig. I grew up as a farm kid in Emerson, IA, attended the University of Iowa, obtained an MS in Counseling Psychology at the University of Kansas. I am a chronic over committer and recovering helicopter mom. (My children wish I would recover a little faster.) I am believer in science, kindness, personal accountability, and am just jaded enough to be really sarcastic. I swear. Sometimes a lot. I work a few jobs and run whenever I can which isn’t as much as I would like. Julia on the Edge is a glimpse (maybe a submersion-we’ll see how this turns out) into what goes on in the craziness of trail runner-mom life.

Moms in Cars

Moms in Cars is actually a blog I started a few years ago after a drive with some other mom friends and the conversation regarding the behaviors of some other kids we know and the many stressors our kids are facing. Is this about parenting? I’m not sure. Maybe if you like “hot mess” parenting. But it should be entertaining and help you feel not so alone in your parenting journey!

Life on the Edge

When I was thinking of a name for my blog and where I was at in life, I struggled to find something that really fit. During one particularly stressful moment, I thought, “I am on the edge here!” All I really wanted to do was be more available to my kids, get a handle on the mess that was our house, and run trails. In the mountains. And on gravel roads. And through the forest. That’s where the name was born-I was on the edge. I told my kids about it. They didn’t really get it. “On the edge of what, Mom?” Anything! I could be on the edge of a mountain; I could be on the edge of a breakdown! You just don’t know! Keep following along to see what life looks like from the edge!

Running on the Edge

This section is where I will talk about my running in more detail. I learned a long time ago that not everyone is interested in where I run or how often or how far. Writing about my running helps me gain clarity about it and my goals. Keep watching this page. Some interesting and exciting things might happen!

Coaching on the Edge

Are you looking to make a change to some of your daily habits? Are you looking to help get things in your life more streamlined or maybe make some improvements to your and your family’s health? That is where I come in. Whether it is helping you with a detailed plan, helping your figure out where to start, or just helping you put into place what you have been trying to do already, I am here to help. Wellness coaching can encompass many different areas of your life. That is because wellness isn’t just about weight loss or exercise. It is about being happy, feeling fulfilled, not feeling stressed all the time, and all of the things that contribute to those things. This page is where you will find articles about coaching as well as ideas on changes to make and how to make them work for you. If you find that you would like to try some coaching or just find out more about it, you will be able to find that information here.

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