This week was a little tough. After spending a couple hours setting up my whole plan for the week and having a ton of motivation Monday and Tuesday, I woke up about 4am Wednesday with a headache. Not a horrible one. Definately not migraine level. But a persistent, low-grade headache that would not go away with Tylenol, caffeine, rest-nothing. I felt like I was in a fog for two days. The same morning, Mackenzie woke up with fever-like symptoms, sore throat, and cough, but no actual fever. The girls had finals Wednesday-Friday, so she went to school and pushed through. During the day, Madison developed her own headache. I did take Kenzie to the doctor on Friday to have her strep-checked. Negative, so that was good. Just a virus that all of us fought off.

Through this fog, I managed to get runs in both Wednesday and Thursday. I knew I needed to get them in so I did it. It wasn’t pretty. Thursday evening I also did a leg workout which was really just some front lunges. I also did shoulders. Those two combined with running with Todd resulted in me being pretty sore over the weekend. That could also have had something to do with running in the snow. Let’s recap the week, shall we?

  • Monday: 2.3 miles with Todd
  • Tuesday: 1.25 miles
  • Wednesday: 1 mile with Todd
  • Thursday: 2 miles
  • Friday: 2.38 miles with Todd (Snowing!)
  • Saturday: 4.08 miles (Todd came along for 2.96-snow)
  • Sunday: 6 miles (Snow)
  • Total miles: 19.01

As I write this, nothing is standing out to me about the Monday and Tuesday runs. Wednesday I went out at about 9:30pm with the headache. I really, really didn’t want to go and kept procrastinating, but I got it done. Thursday’s run was along Ankeny Blvd. while Mackenzie was in dance. Friday, Todd and I bundled up and went out while it was snowing. He wasn’t sure what to make of this and pulled really hard. The snow was fluffy and drifted in places. The run wasn’t too hard, but not the easiest either. One of my favorite things to do is to run while it is snowing, so I didn’t even care about how hard it was. I was just happy!

Saturday we didn’t get out until evening. I took Todd along for part of it. He pulled hard again, so I dropped him off at home and finished up. The sidewalk was partly covered in snow and was slick, so we ran in the street on packed snow for most of it. Even then, it was difficult running.

Today’s run was hard. The sidewalks weren’t too bad, so I stayed up on them. As I went around Sawgrass Lake, the sidewalk hadn’t been cleared at all and had lots of footprints in it which made running tough. I made it around the lake at a run-walk, through the trail in the trees, and up into White Birch. I ran down toward the bank and got onto the bike trail. The trail was pretty clear, but by this time, I was getting a little worn out from trudging through the snow. I went all the way down to NW 26th and crossed the highway. Yeah…trail not cleared. The only tracks on it were about four fat bike tracks. The running was hard. The snow was just deep enough to make it difficult. I went down about .75 mile when my watched beeped the five mile mark. I was on a steep downhill and hiked back up it and ran-walked back home. Done.

My glutes and hamstrings have been sore since Friday from the leg workout and my hip and low back have been hurting from the snow runs. Seriously, I felt like I could hardly walk. After my six miles today that felt like ten, I kept myself moving, made sure to eat a good lunch, hydrated, took three ibuprofen, and felt pretty good for the rest of the day.

As I look at this week’s training plan, I have an eight mile long run next weekend. I’m a little worried about it as I am pushing my mileage more than I should be. Looking at the forecast for more snow and colder temps, I may move myself to the treadmill for the first time this winter. Cue up the Netflix!

Thanks for keeping me accountable, friends! Enjoy your runs this week!

Streak Day 20


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