
I left my full-time job 95 days ago in pursuit of being my own employer, having a more flexible schedule, and being able to do more for people than I was doing at the time. I left to be more available to my kids, husband, and family. I left to give myself peace of mind and to try to quiet the chaos that was non-stop in my head. I’m three months into being self-employed. Here’s how it’s going.

Honestly, the business side of things is very slow. I had hoped to have more clients, more kids in camps, and more income than I have right now. The personal/family side of things? So busy all summer that I don’t know how I ever worked. I know things got done when I was gone to work for over 9 hours a day, but I now know why I felt like my brain was in a blender every single day.

I have been busy enough that I haven’t put in the time I should be to really grow this coaching business. I also believe that sometimes things happen for a reason and on a timeline that you don’t always understand. God and The Universe have a plan. Sometimes we know and understand the plan. Sometimes we discover it along the way. The hardest part is not knowing what is coming, being patient while you wait for the plan to reveal itself and pursuing your goals while knowing that you may not be in control of everything that is happening.

What I can tell you is that while my business isn’t taking off as fast as I would like, I am feeling less brain scramble, feeling physically healthier, and overall happier than I have in years. (Please note that this not a reflection on my employer–just simply where I was at in my life. It is a great place to work, and I am still working there PRN.) Now that kids are back in school with all of the supplies, clothes, and furniture that they need, I think it is time for things to take off. In retrospect, leaving the routine of my job just in time for summer break meant that the kids also went into summer break and there was no schedule. I mean, there kind of was one…but not really. Kids coming and going with their jobs, friends, activities and me trying to run camps or write blog posts and do some house projects–zero routine. The routine is back. My focus is back. I know that I am on the right path for me and that The Universe is working things out like they should be.

Peace and Focus from The Edge,


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