New Ideas, Excitement, Possibilities!

You Guys!! 

I am so excited!  Have you ever come up with an idea that had you so excited you couldn’t sleep and could hardly do anything else because all you wanted to do was plan and work on and create the idea?  That was me this week.  I have had this restlessness in me for a long time—like a couple of years—and it has been getting stronger and stronger, and I didn’t know what to do with it.  I knew I wanted to have my own wellness coaching business because I love helping people figure things out and create healthier habits.  This was something more.  This was something I just couldn’t put my finger on.  Something that was missing, but I didn’t even know what it was.

I finally figured it out.  And it has me so excited and just lit up that my outlook on everything has changed.  I feel hopeful.  I feel energized.  I feel capable.  I am a little nervous, but that’s ok because every new challenge should make you feel a little nervous.  Nervous, anxious…sometimes those are the things that push you forward and keep you accountable to do your best. As much as I would love to say that I am buying an RV and traveling around the country running new trails and seeing beautiful sights, that is not it…yet.  Maybe someday!  I do think that this BIG IDEA could lead me in that direction eventually and that is just one of the exciting parts!  Possibility! 

Fun trail run through creek
Is it as exciting as a trail run through the creek?

Obviously I am not saying just yet what the BIG IDEA is or how it is something that I think will be beneficial to several people and how it will fill a gap for kids that I am seeing every day.  There are some details to nail down.  Some logistics to figure out. Some other things that need to be taken care of as I pull all of my thoughts together and release the BIG IDEA to all of you beautiful people. 

I hope that all of you are finding something exciting that fills you and motivates you and makes you look at everything in a different light. I hope that you can see how everything in your life has been preparing you for this New Thing.

I promise you that I will keep working on it.  I promise you that I will also be coaching.  I promise you that, even though that level of excitement may temper a bit, I will still keep pushing forward. 

And I hope you do, too.

Peace and Excitement from the Edge,


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