
I don’t know about you, but these years keep going by faster and faster!  How is it 2023 already?? As I have been preparing for this new year with new goals, I looked back at my yearly and monthly themes from 2022.  I chose each monthly theme based on where I was mentally, emotionally, and physically and focused on what I needed in that moment to guide me (or maybe push me) through that month.  As I look back at the themes I chose and remember what was happening in each month, I am amazed at how well they corollate.  Maybe I did do a good job finding what moved me to make the changes or progress that I did!  I want to take you through the year so you can see what I chose, how it motivated me, and maybe provide a little inspiration for you, too.

Sometimes I wrote a few extra words next to my theme to hype myself up when I was struggling.  I will include those as well.  In italics I will tell what was happening in my life that corresponded to the theme. 

2022 Yearly Theme

Make It Happen.               You are the only one who can do this.  Excuses will always be there.  You are wasting time you could be spending being happy and making more of a difference in the world.  I don’t care how—Just Make It Happen.

Word for the Year—Progress

I set a huge goal for myself of launching my own business and leaving my full-time job.  I had no idea how this was going to work out, but I knew that it had to happen in 2022.

January Theme

Everything You Want is on the Other Side of Fear

I worked on my blog and plan for offering wellness coaching.  One day while thinking about things I could do with my business, the idea to offer summer camps dropped into my head.  I could see it so clearly and it was so exciting!  I decided on the spot that I was leaving my full-time job.

February Theme

Let Your Fear of Regret be Stronger than Your Fear of Failure

As my plan became more concrete in my head, I decided that I would resign at my annual review at the end of February to be effective at the end of May.  I wasn’t sure how I was going to replace my income and benefits, but I knew I had to try this.

March Theme

Courage doesn’t mean you don’t get afraid.  Courage means you don’t let fear stop you.

In the first month after resigning, the fact that I was leaving a job of 19 years and taking a huge risk starting my own business started to sink in.  I didn’t know how I was going to do it.

April Theme

Your Vibe Attracts Your Tribe

I started to put out the word that I was going out on my own and information about the camps. 

May Theme

Don’t Let the Process Scare You Out of Your Purpose

Oh my God!  This is actually happening!  I am cleaning out my office. Moving things home.  Making lists and instructions for my replacement.  I don’t have my camps filled, but I am still confident that I can make it happen. 

June Theme

And So The Adventure Begins

I did it!  I am on my own! Setting my own schedule.  Running every day.  I had a couple of days of camp and they were awesome!  I loved being out hiking and exploring with these kids!

July Theme

You are going to make it.  It will be hard, but you are going to make it.

Ok. Not getting as many campers as I would like.  Busy every day.  Wondered how I every worked outside the home.  Realizing this is going to be harder than I thought.

August Theme

Let Your Faith be Stronger Than Your Fear

I am not where I thought I would be at this time.  I am not giving up.  I am going to continue to offer coaching and promote on social media.  Making plans for what else I can offer.

September Theme

Remember Why You Started

Kids are back at school, and I settle into a really great routine.  Trying to stay positive and do what I can to grow my business.  At this point, I have 3 part-time jobs plus my own business.  I do not regret leaving my full-time job for a minute.  This is the life I want. Just need to get some income flowing.

October Theme

Faith is Having the Audacity to Believe in the Not-Yet-Seen

Getting frustrated about things not picking up.  Getting harder to stay positive.  Have to believe that there is more out there for me. Start considering an option to add to my resources to help families.  This just HAS to work out.

November Theme

Raise your frequency.  Your vibe attracts your tribe.         Julia, stop selling yourself short.  You are capable of Great and Amazing Things.  Stop waiting on others, waiting until the time is right and DO IT.  Do the Thing.  Make It Happen.  If you want to be a wellness coach—Go Be A Wellness Coach!

You are an interesting person.  People seek out talking to you and you don’t understand it.  Let people see how interesting and driven you are.  Be authentically you and share your excitement and people will come to you..

If you want an income and success—then go get an income and create your own success.

You are worth more than you are showing and getting, and you ARE more than you are showing and getting.


I joined Beachbody as a coach as I think it is a really great option for families looking to get active at home.  I start trying to put more out on social media.  I am having some leg pain so I stop running for a couple weeks. Leg does not get better. I start running again because that’s what runners do but not as often.  One of my part-time jobs is getting a little more active.  Decide to be a substitute associate for the schools.  Do my first two days of that.  (Now up to 4 part-time jobs if you’re counting.) Overall November feels like a month-long panic attack.

December Theme

Believe.                Believe it into being. Believe it is possible.  Believe in magic. Believe in miracles.  Believe it is yours.

After the panic of November, I try to put my faith and trust in something bigger than me.  I am struggling to be positive.  I am very frustrated. I don’t feel very Christmas-y.  I finally recognize that I am kind of depressed.  Once I realize it and accept it, I am able to start working through it.  Try a couple more sub days at a different school.  Keep going.  Keep trying.  Still not ready to give up.  Really trying to Believe.

That brings us to today.  Two days into 2023 and I am starting to feel a little more positive.  I will be announcing my 2023 yearly theme and my January monthly theme next week. I hope that by sharing how I approach each month and year as well as being honest about the mindset I was in during each month that I am able to inspire and motivate even one person to try something new, take on a challenge, even if you don’t know how it’s going to work out. 

Peace from The Edge,


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