
Stay Strong

This post was supposed to go up in March to go along with my March theme of Stay Strong. However, I was feeling uninspired and unmotivated. Those feelings permeated pretty much all aspects of my life.  I wasn’t running.  I wasn’t doing strength. I wasn’t eating very well. I wasn’t getting things done that needed done for my business.  During…

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When Motivation is Low

I think we have all been in the position of having something we need to do, want to do, know we should do, and just can’t bring ourselves to do it.  It could be exercise, cleaning, a project at work or at home, or even a phone call that we need to make.  Somehow we just can’t get motivated to…

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What is your Why?

Have you ever started a project, gotten into it, and then got all frustrated and crabby and wondered why you even started it?  That closet was just fine. Now it’s just a mess everywhere and you can’t decide what to get rid of or where to put things. Yes, everything was falling out every time you opened the door, but…

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Spring Break Camp 2024!

Join Julia and Todd Barkley for a fun Spring Break week!  You don’t always have to take a big trip to have some fun.  We are going to do it right here with different themes for each day to make staying at home the best time it can be! Each day will have coordinating games and crafts as well as…

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